How To Make A New Orleans Creole Style Hot Dog ?

Author: Úrjani Chénier Micklè

Date:03 July 2022

Time: 12:24pm

Updated: 04 July 2022

(This receipe is an Authentic New Orleans creole, created by a born and raised New Orleans creole whom is a descendant of Louisiana creoles and West Florida creoles through Concordia Parish & Adams County via Lismore/Natchez, Burnside, Ascension parish, with additional Latin heritage via El Salvador & Mexico.)


  • German Brats (bratwursts), Polish Kielbasa or Italian Sausage
  • New Orleans Own Bunny Bread Hot dog Buns
  • A Large Creole White Onion or Creole Red Onion
  • 2 Large Green Bell Pepper
  • 1 to 2 Red and Yellow Sweet Peppers
  • 3 to 4 Celery Stalks
  • 1 Sprig of French Parsley
  • 2 cloves of Italian Garlic
  • Fresh eau, Filtered rain eau, Cistern eau filtered, Well eau or Louisiana Kentwood brand eau
  • A Petit Cayenne pepper, Bird's eye pepper,Tabasco pepper or Jalapeno pepper
  • Zatarains Creole Mustard
  • Creole Remoulade Sauce
  • Optional: New Orleans Creole Tabasco Sauce

    1. Fill up, half way, fresh eau, filtered rain eau, eau from a cistern or well eau into a large galvanized stock pot, magnite stock pot, cast iron stock pot, or French copper stock pot.

    2. Remove the German brats, Italian sausage or Polish kielbasa from the pacakaging and discard of the sausage packaging.

    3. Place the German brats, Italian sausage or Polish kielbasa inside the stock pot which is half way filled with fresh water.

    4. Salt with Louisiana cultivated Morton Salt, French Mediterrean Sea Salt or Collitali Italian salt, Pepper with Locally Louisiana homegrown Pimento (black pepper; summer is local harvest time) or Collitali Black Pepper, chopped fresh locally grown Spanish Thyme and a bay leaf

    5. Coupe on a cherry chopping board into there are minced, a large Creole white onion or red onion, about 3 to 4 Celery stalks, a cleaned Parlsey, about 2 large Green Bell Pepper, 1 Red and Yellow Sweet Pepper and 2 cloves of Italian garlic. Or, if it is on hand or you prefer it to Freshly chopped Creole Seasonings, use a half of the container of Guidry's Creole seasonings.

    6. Put your freshly chopped seasonings into the stockpot which, has the seasoned water and German Brats, Italian sausage or Polsih kielbasa, filled half way.

    7. Pour more fresh eau into your stockpot until there is a 3 to 4 inches space between l'eau fill line and the top of the stockpot.

    8. Turn your stove range on to the medium high setting. Let l'eau come to a slow boil.

    9. Cover the stock pot with a clean lid

    10. Lagniappe: For an extra kick, dash a few shakes of cayenne powder or cut into small petit pieces and discard the seeds, a petit cayenne pepper, bird's eye pepper, tabasco pepper, or jalapeno pepper. After chopping and removing the seeds from your pimento of choice, place chopped pimento into the boiling eau of seasoning and sausages.

    11. Watch over your boiling sausage to make sure l'eau doesn't boil over the sides of the stock pot.

    12. If l'eau in the stockpot is boiling over, turn the stove range to medium and take the lid of the stockpot and move the lid a bit that it has a bit of an opening to the stockpot and lets hot air circumvent and escape the petit hole you have made. Make sure the lid of the stockpot stays level and does not fall.

    13. Boil your sausage until the sausage are riped and thoroughly cooked. The sausages should not be cooked until the meat of the sauages are ripped from their cases.

    14. When the sausages have ripened and done thoroughly cooking, turn your stove range off.

    15. Let the sausages sit on the range, cool down and keep covered with the stockpot lid.

    16. While the sausages are cooling down to a temperature to where you are better able to safely handle each sausage to serve as hotdogs, lave' a casserole pan that has a lid.

    17. Put a heat protect pad on a dining table. The pad will protect your hardwood dining table from damage from the heated surface of the stockpot. Better safe than sorry. Make sure the protector pad is near the casserole pan. Remove the stockpot from the unlit stove range and rest the stockpot on top of heat protector pad.

    18. Take a pair of thongs and use it to remove all the sausages from the Creole seasoned eau.

    19. While using the thongs, place each sausage inside the just washed and dried cassarole pan.

    20. Garnish the cassarole pan with fresh and cleaned parsley from a parsley sprig. Cover the cassarole pan.

    How To Dress Your Hotdog, New Orleans Creole Style

    1. Take a Bunny Bread hot dog bun and place the German bratwurst, Polish kielbasa, or Italian sausage in the centre of the hot dog bun.

    2. Squirt Creole Mustard Homemade Or Zatarains, or Creole Remoulade Sauce from one side of the sausage onto thee either.

    3. Lagniappe: Take a few spoonful of the Boiled Creole Seasonongs of chopped onions, bell pepper, sweet peppers, celery, parsley, thyme, and garlic and place it on the top of the Creole Mustard or Creole Remoulade Sauce. Make sure to drain l'eau out of the spoon, you are using to scoop up the Creole seasonings from the stockpot.

    4. If you don't place or put any cayenne, bird's eye peper, Tabasco peper or Jalopeno pepper into your stock pot while the Brats, Kielbasa or Sausages were boiling in Creole seasoned water. Squish a bit of Tabasco pepper, Cayenne pepper, or Jalapeno pepper over the Brats covered with Creole mustard or Creole Remoulade Sauce.

    5. If sauce is what your prefer and not the fresh squeezed juice of a pepper, sprinkle a little bit of New Orleans Creole Tabasco sauce or Creole Homemade Chili sauce on top of your dressed sausage.

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