Authentic Creole Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Author:Ûrjânî Chénier Micklè

Date: 06 November 2022

Time: 14:32 pm

Make Groceries

  • Water
  • Louisiana salt
  • Butter
  • Parsley

    1. Place Beaucoup potatoes unpeeled into a clean sink

    2. Wash each potato to free it from dirt and soil attached to it.

    3. Fill a stockpot with cold water.

    4. Peel each potatoes.

    5. Place the cleaned and peeled potatoes inside the stockpot.

    6. Set the range to medium high and await the water to boil.

    7. Once the water begins to boil, turn the range setting to medium low.

    The above recipe has been written in New Orleans Creole English. New Orleans Creole English differs from American Standard English by making use of French words, French Spelling, French Phrases and/or Creole Phrases and Diminutives instead of American words, phrases and spelling.

    This post is licensed with Creative Commons

    Authentic Creole Mashed Potatoes Recipe by Ûrjânî Chénier Micklè is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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